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Yokogawa Pressure Transmitter

Update Terakhir
10 / 01 / 2025
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Harga Mulai
Rp. 1.234
Sampai dengan
Rp. 1.234
PT. HIKMAH JAYA SENTOSA Adalah Salah Satu Perusahaan Penyedia Komponen dan Perangkat Otomatisasi, Dengan Principal Utama Berada Di Jepang. Perusahaan Kami Menawarkan Harga Yang Kompetitif Kepada Seluruh Pelanggan Kami. Kami Bangga Dapat Memberikan Kepuasan Kepada Para Pelanggan Kami.

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Detail Yokogawa Pressure Transmitter


The Rotameter RAGN is designed for continuous flow measurement of liquids and gases. The fluid passes through the metering tube from bottom to top and consequently needs to be installed vertically and flow direction is upwards. The conical glass metering tube includes a free rotating float which provides self stabilization.

The actual flow is indicated by the top of the float and can be directly read from the scale on the metering tube. The Rotameter RAGN is the world´s first Glass Rotameter suitable for SIL applications and is also compliant with the Machinery Directive ISO 13849.

Untuk informasi harga, Penawaran dan Stok Barang silahkan hubungi kami di bawah ini:

Jl Gandaria Raya No 64 Jagakarsa
Jakarta Selatan 12620 Indonesia

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