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Controlair I/P Transducers T900X

Update Terakhir
14 / 01 / 2025
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Harga Mulai
Rp. 1.234
Sampai dengan
Rp. 1.234
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Detail Controlair I/P Transducers T900X

CONTROLAIR Electronic Air Pressure Control T900X

The Type-9OOX l/P, E/P transducers are a series of compact electronic pressure regulators that convert an electrical signal (current or voltage) to a proportional pneumatic output. Utilizing internal solid-state feedback circuitry, the Type-9OOX provides precise, stable pressure outputs to final control elements. Immunity to the effects of vibration or mounting position, high tolerance to impure air, and low air consumption make this unit ideal for use in demanding applications.

The heart of this unique technology is a bimorph piezo actuator that is encapsulated in a protective skin. This protective skin provides defense against the humidity and contaminants often found in process operating environments.

Untuk informasi harga, Penawaran dan Stok Barang silahkan hubungi kami di bawah ini:

JL. Puskesmas No 36 Kebagusan
Pasar Minggu Jakarta 12520 Indonesia

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